Paint Mines Map with Walkthrough

Paint Mines Walkthrough Wasteland 3

Paint Mines is small location east of Downtown Colorado Springs, you will obtain the exact location from Frank Pappas in Sans Luxe Apartments during the Disappeared Mission.

You come here to complete mission Disappeared, which you received as a radio broadcast from Betsy after you finish Denver. You will find Betsy in Ranger HQ.

Mission Disappeared Disappeared Mission

A group of mothers, wives, and siblings of convicts who were sentenced to hard labor at the Patriarch's work camp want us to find out where their loved ones are being held. [Reward: $400, Nitro-Ray]

Mission Step: Disappeared Explore the Cave in The Paint Mines area that Pappas marked on your map.

Frank Pappas admitted that he used to deliver convicts to a cave outside the city. He gave them to a "tattooed plains motherfucker," but he doesn't know what happened to them after that. Maybe we'll find some clues at the cave.


Secret Path

Defuse the mines and take the secret path to the left.



Kill Enemy Animals



Toster Toaster Repair 7 Item Gold Infused Mica Sheeting Heavy Machone Gun.

Container Leg Armor Exosceleton Legs



Antenna Mechanics 6 to fix it.

Once you fix the antenna, you will hear a message broadcasted with the Morse Code from inside the RV.

You have to place one character near the antenna and the other next to the RV to hear the signal.

The message sent in Morse Code does not carry any relevant information, it is only part of building a post-apocalyptic atmosphere.

The red and green cube appearing near the RV (if you can see it) is a minor bug in the game, one of the developers forgot to turn off the marker.



NPC Wind-that-Tangles

NPC Nikki

Mission Step: Disappeared Ask Wind-That-Tangles about The Missing Convicts.

We found a man living at the cave we were directed to, and he matches the description of Frank Pappas's contact. He might know more about the missing convicts.

Talk to them about missing convicts

Wind-That-Tangles will tell you that he didn't kill anyone, but that he feels guilty.

What to do with Wind-that-Tangles in Disappeared Mission?

  • You can leave them in peace. Recognizing that they are innocent and deserve a second chance. No reward for how proud you are [Recommended].
  • Or you have to convince Betsy near entrance to location with Hard Ass 9 to leave them alone.
  • Or you will have to kill Betsy and her companions (near entrance), you will then get your reward, you will take reward from her corpse.
  • You can temporarily leave the Wind-That-Tangles alive, meet Betsy, be persuaded to kill again, return to the cave and kill them. Then you also get an award.
  • Regardless of what you do, you will always be able to come back and kill Wind-That-Tangles and collect your reward from the character waiting at the entrance to the location.

I am nice boy so:

"We'll keave you in peace ..."

Wind-that-Tangles and Nikki ask you not to steal the contents of their containers. It was not difficult for me, besides, there is nothing interesting there beside Commando Helmet..

Mission Step: Disappeared Return to Betsy.

After talking to Wind-that-tangles, we decided to leave him in peace. We should tell Betsy and the other women what happened to their loved ones.

Now return to location entrance.
